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Thread: "it is so easy that a six-year-old girl can do it:"

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    Great post.

  2. #22
    Det Nordiske Råd™approved Apricity Funding Member
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    Lightbulb a discussion...

    ...was inspired by a recent thread.
    the conversation was brief on apricity, but,
    lengthier in my home:

    my son and i exchanged many clever words
    in complex grammatical and logical sequences -
    considering the application of a definition
    from society for nordish physical anthropology
    to that thread (clarification/abbreviation/miss-charaterisation?).

    as our resident émigrée and meine kleine über-mädchen passed through to tend the goats,
    the girl-child detoured to the cabinet of all knowledge,
    plucked the flash-cards recommended by s993,

    spread them on the desk
    and pointed to the high-lighted words (see below):

    EUROPID OR WHITE PRIMARY RACE: Thin to medium-thick, mostly more-or-less light skin. Soft, smooth to wavy or curly hair and generally a stronger growth of beard. A rather narrow nose and generally thin lips. Types of body build: mostly juvenile (virile) and boreal, occasionally mature.
    1. Caspid Southeastern High-Skulled (hypsicephalic) Racial Group.
      1. More boreal body
        1. Face almost infantile.
          1. Scando-Lappid - very short-statured, high-skulled with very low face and round skull (brachycephalic), and broad-faced. They have a weak lower jaw, are small-nosed, and rather darkly pigmented. Very low frequency of blood type gene q and very high frequency of blood type gene p2 (for blood type A). Also very unique in other serological traits.
            • East-Lapps show, in part, more Mongolid traits. However, the similarity of the two Lapp groups in most anthropological traits is still extensive. The Mongolid strains in Europe belong mostly to the Kumid subrace of the Altaid race. Some Mongolid elements in northeastern Russia belong to another subrace - the Taigid. The former is very round-headed (brachycephalic), and almost medium tall in stature. The Kumid subrace is very high in the frequency of blood type gene q. The Taigid subrace is more long-skulled (dolichocephalic) and very short in stature. It is somewhat lower in the frequency of blood type gene q. Both Mongolid subraces are thickset, very low-skulled (chamaecephalic), broad-faced and rather broad-nosed.
          2. East-Alpine - Similar, but less pronounced, traits. Much higher frequency of blood type gene q. Similar to the West-Alpine, but high-skulled, with a higher frequency of blood type gene q, found further to the east in Europe. Also known as the Gorid race.
      2. Progressive Procopomorphic Types - All Extremely Long-Skulled (hyper-dolichocephalic)
        1. East-Mediterranean - dark pigmented, with many subraces.
          1. Pontid (in southern Russia) Very similar to the Saharid, but higher in frequency of blood type gene q, this subrace of the East-Mediterranean race is found in certain regions west and north of the Black Sea.
            • Pre-Pontid - an extraordinary long-skulled (dolichocephalic) race in the Balkans (These are not Gypsies).
          2. Iranid - partly influenced by the Arabid race, with narrow rectangular face.
          3. North-Indid - very tall, heavily bearded, large nose, and a high frequency of blood type gene q.
          4. Gangid - small, very gracile, with thin, sparse beard, and a high frequency of blood type gene q.
          5. Nesid (in the South Seas)
          6. Saharid or South-Mediterranean (in North Africa) - rather tall and gracile. In southern Spain and southern Portugal, this branch of the East-Mediterranean race is also high-skulled, but very similar to the West-Mediterranean race in the remaining anthropological traits. It is also low in the frequency of blood type gene q.
          7. Aegyptid - very closely related to the Saharid, but with a high frequency of blood type gene q.
        2. East-Nordid (subrace of the low-skulled, fair North Race) - similar to this North race in anthropological traits (almost disappeared through crossing).
      3. Taurid - mature-boreal, with very high and round skull, very flat occiput and larger nose.
        1. Dinarid - the very tall with short arms. The Dinarid race is very tall, dark, high-skulled and round-skulled (brachycephalic), with a very large, long, but also rather broad, face and with a large, more or less bent nose. This race is low in the frequency of blood type gene q. The Dinarid race probably originated in south-eastern Europe.
        2. Anatolid or Armenid is a very closely-related to the Dinarid, although somewhat shorter-statured, mature-boreal, medium-sized. Residing in southwestern Asia, the Armenid subrace has higher frequencies of blood type genes p and q.
          1. the Carpathid race (the Litoral race of Deniker) is very much shorter-statured population around the Carpathian mountain region of eastern Central Europe and forms a special "hybrid-race" ("Mischrasse"). This race, which resembles the east-Alpines in many anthropological traits, has a larger nose. This is due to ancient Armenid strains (which is also the view of Hungarian investigators). The Carpathid race evidently originated from mixtures of Mediterraneans with Armenids.
    2. Atlantid Northwestern Low-Skulled (chamaecephalic) Racial Group (Always With Low Frequencies of Blood Type Gene q).
      1. Long-Skulled (dolichocephalic)
        1. Palaeo-Atlantid - somewhat protomorphic, broad-nosed, very broad-faced, tall and robust, light-mixed in pigmentation. This primitive race still lives in certain outlying parts of Scandinavia and Ireland, in small remnants. The Palaeo-Atlantid race is darker than the Nordid race - especially as regards to hair color. It is also coarser than the Faelish subrace, with stronger brow ridges, and a broader, plumper nose. With respect to the ABQ-blood group system, the Palaeo-Atlantid race is high in blood type gene r (for blood type O) and low in blood type genes p (for blood type B) and q (for blood type A). In the north, this race is named the Tydals race, after a village in central Norway.
        2. Nordid - virile, more progressive, lighter in pigmentation. The Nordid race is light-eyed, mostly rather light-haired, low-skulled and long-skulled (dolichocephalic), tall and slender, with more or less narrow face and narrow nose, and low frequency of blood type gene q.
          1. Faelish (Faelo-Nordid) - is broader-faced, more robust, rather light-haired. The most divergent Nordid subrace is the Faelish subrace in western Germany and also in the interior of southwestern Norway. The Faelish subrace is broader of face and form.
          2. Scando-Nordid subrace - narrower-faced, more slender, rather light-haired
          3. North-Atlantid - morphologically similar to the Scando-Nordid is more dark-haired but at the same time light-eyed. The North-Atlantid subrace (the North-Occidental race of Deniker), which is like the primary type, but has much darker hair and, as with the Faelish, broader of face and form.. Above all in the oceanic parts of Great Britain the North-Atlantid subrace is also very high in blood type gene r and low in blood type gene p.
        3. Southern, Dark-Pigmented, Short-Statured Group:
          1. Berid - more infantile-puerile. Within southwestern Europe there are remnants of the slight Berid race. This race is very similar to the West-Mediterranean race in anthropological traits - such as head form and pigmentation, but, broader-formed in face and nose. The Berid race is also low in the frequency of blood type genes p and q.
          2. Juvenile.
            • West-Mediterranean - horizontal eye-socket. The ABO-allelic relationships, and also the Rh-system, are very unique in several ways in this subrace. The true West-Mediterranean race (the Ibero-Insular race of Deniker) in southwestern Europe is low-skulled and long-skulled (dolichocephalic), dark, short-statured, and gracile in body form. This race has a narrow face and is low in the frequency of blood type gene q.
              • Baskid is a more virile subrace of the West-Mediterranean race and share the same distinctive anthropological and serological characteristics. Occupying one of the refuge areas of western-most Europe, the Basque attains one of the highest frequencies for the r-gene - for blood type - and the percentage of Rh-negative individuals is higher than average.
            • Arabid - slanted eye-socket and almond eyes. Differentiated from the preceding races in facial morphology and facial dynamics. Also a very narrow and sloping forehead, with a distinct rhombic-shaped face. The Arabid race (i.e., the Bedouins, et al.) is distinguished from the West-Mediterranean race almost only by a nevertheless unusually large number of small, but very characteristic facial traits. These include the almond eyes, the "Semitic smile" (conditioned by unusually deep Fossa canina), etc.
              • Syrid - subrace with a lower frequency of blood type gene r. In earlier times this broader-formed subrace was found among the farmers of the "Fertile Crescent." It is now only typical of the Jews.
      2. Round-Skulled (brachycephalic):
        1. West-Alpine - infantile-boreal. The short and thickset brunet, Central European population with low and round (brachycephalic) skulls and with round faces belongs to the West-Alpine race (the Occidental race of Deniker). This race is also low in the frequency of blood type gene q.

    she illustrated (by simply pointing to the thing) the essence - reality is just there
    or she will enunciate a formula
    demonstrating the relationship
    of objects/actions.

    such a mathlete.

    Last edited by; 06-12-2023 at 10:08 AM. Reason: per requested information

  3. #23
    TA fisherman association TheMaestro's Avatar
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    This is a really nice thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by Richmondbread View Post
    I had trouble with social interactions, When my teacher asked why, I told her "because I'm not a commie" .

  4. #24
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    OP's autism levels are off the scale.

  5. #25
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    the OP seems to have missed an important part in the first graphic

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Maul View Post
    The Age of R1 is over... The time of the J2, has come (again)
    Quote Originally Posted by The Blade
    I'd say Turanid/Alpine/Mediterranean mix.
    Target: DrMaul
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    100.0 First Man - J2 Atlantean

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    Lightbulb how a five-year-old girl learned to draw the human pheno-types

    when suggestions were requested
    to enhance meine kleine über-mädchen's education
    as a member of the herrenrassea twelve-year-old help-fully replied:

    this simple cartooning
    engrossed the girl-child for months.

    as with all of her other lesson-plans,
    as her attention wavered — details were increased:

    did you notice
    what she calls the "face-rune"

    she has a profile and frontal "rune"
    for each pheno-type — indicating facial proportions.

    (of course, each pheno-type body has distinct proportions, too).

    each thors-day,
    my son's mother and her girl-friend
    braid their knee-length hair, don their goat-hair chitoniskos
    and braided river-reed sandals for the farmers' market in town.

    while the grrrlz share edible flowers and varietal fruits/vegetables
    with potential subscribers to our farmer,
    the girl-child sketches portraits of these persons

    in an idealised form (sans cosmetics/un-flattering hair-styles)
    and many are surprised at how she sees them
    if they practiced an euphenic mode of life
    and their parents and grand-parents had made more eugenic choices.

    her images clarify to an ideal pheno-type

    (the size of this person's vocabulary is impressive)

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    matches closely the racial phenotypes of mid-1960s American TV sitcoms.
    PuntDNAl k15
    Mother: Polish + Norwegian + Austrian + French @ 0.923102
    Father: Karelian + Polish + Romani + Mozabite_Berber @ 5.277415
    Me: Lithuanian + Mordovian + Bosnian + Spaniard @ 2.190271
    MDLP World
    Mother: 85.80% German_V + 14.20% Russian @ 1
    Father: 73.10% Croatian_V + 26.90% Roma @ 4.65
    Me: 94.70% Croatian_V + 5.30% Roma @ 1.61

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    So, many whites are actually part Asiatic?

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