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    Default Swedish people first in history to commit collective suicide

    Hungarian Ponthus Zsolt Várkonyi spent seven years as an immigrant in Sweden in the 70s and 80s, but then moved back home. In this essay, he analyzes the Swedish national character from a Hungarian perspective and tries to explain how phenomenons such as mass immigration and the scrapping of Swedish neutrality could have arisen.

    Swedish politicians and the mass media have for several years directed sharp criticism at Hungary, the Hungarian politicians, Hungarian society and the Hungarian people in general. They have not spared the most pejorative - and insulting - descriptions, such as "undemocratic", "dictatorial", "autocratic", "patriarchal", "misogynist", "homophobic", "Nazi", "racist" and "anti-Semitic".

    Hungary is an unfree society with an unfree and one-sided media, it has been claimed. An accusation that seems absurd when you consider that, according to accessible figures, over ninety percent of the Swedish journalistic corps consists of left-liberal writers and that in Sweden there is no government-critical TV, radio or press in the real sense. This compared to Hungary, where the proportion is roughly 50-50.

    What happened? Why do Swedish politicians and journalists deal with Hungary on a daily basis? As the author of this article is a Hungarian who lived in Sweden 40 years ago, and is still a proud Swedish citizen, I will try to give a balanced analysis of how the different people's souls relate to each other and why.

    My father has told me that during the 30s he learned at school that Sweden had been a poor agricultural country with famine, high unemployment and mass emigration around the turn of the century. My Swedish girlfriend's father at the time told me that they had been so poor during the 40s that they had to supplement the wheat flour with birch flour. That today's Sweden is undoubtedly one of the most successful and richest countries in the world has been achieved in part due to a fortunate position on the world map, through which the country was able to stay out of - and make a lot of money from - two world wars. But it also partly depends on own performance through the wise, hard and diligent work of the Swedish people, as well as the wise and historic settlement between Swedish workers and employers in the 1930s. Thus the Swedish welfare state was born – and the tendency to assert moral supremacy came with it.

    The Swedish psyche must therefore be understood in this context, and with regard to the climate and geography, in a country where there are miles between houses and between people, both physically and psychologically. Sweden is characterized by enormous distances, sparsely populated areas, cold, meter-deep snow and darkness for half the year. Consequently, the Swede is lonely, isolated, afraid to make contact - but on the other hand straightforward and honest, diligent, considerate and tactful. Historically, Sweden was homogenous when it came to ethnicity and religion, so the Swede has always felt a deep solidarity with his fellow human beings, even strangers, when they were like him. "Blonde and blue-eyed" and members of the Swedish Church. If one was freezing or starving to death deep in the forest and a stranger appeared, he represented a sure rescue and not a threat. So the Swedish soul was imbued with solidarity: now it's your turn, next time it can be mine.

    The Hungarians, on the other hand, the last people to find their home after the great medieval migration in Europe, have always been surrounded by strangers who were not like them. For a Hungarian, a stranger usually meant a threat. A threat that wanted to kill him, conquer the Hungarian's land, wife, daughter and son. During the 150-year Turkish occupation, Hungary lost at least half of its population. Young boys were kidnapped by the hundreds of thousands and raised to become the most faithful of Muslims and elite soldiers: janissaries. After the Turkish Empire came the Habsburg Empire, during which the Hungarian region was depopulated and, through the provision of the Austrian government, populated by peasants from neighboring countries. These minorities proved anything but grateful and they took the opportunity to divide Hungary into seven different countries after the First World War. Hungarian minorities are found in all border countries around us, so we usually say that Hungary is the only country in the world that is surrounded by itself. We have thus had our historical experiences with both Muslims and minorities, and we have to state that these experiences have been predominantly negative.

    Through its fortunate geographical and historical background, Swedish society achieved great success and thus prosperity until the 1980s. The state was in solidarity, like the citizens, and took care of its sick, unemployed and elderly. Since the state was good, the state's representatives – the politicians and bureaucrats – must also be equally good, solidary, honest and scrupulous. The state, the politicians and the bureaucrats wanted the best of the Swedes, they were above all suspicion.

    You felt so good and experienced such a lack of discomfort that you began to feel uncomfortable. The Swede simply had a bad conscience because he was so rich and prosperous. I remember how the Swedish TV schedule during the 70s and 80s was full of "debate" programs where bearded, bespectacled, soft-spoken sociologists, philosophers, writers and journalists in worn cardigans talked about how Swedish society could be improved further. In the end, you must have come to the conclusion that everything was so good and perfect that the Swede had a moral duty to help other peoples and countries. Thus began the great social experiment: how could eight million Swedes save the entire earth with eight billion inhabitants? It must be a great idea: stand in solidarity with the whole world, stand in solidarity with eight billion people! Soon, however, it was noticed that foreign aid and grants of some fifty billion were no longer enough here. So Sweden started with mass immigration. They began to import the entire world's problems and conflicts into their own home. With dramatic consequences for Swedish society, culture and people, which we finally came to experience.

    Hungary has refused to take this path, despite strong pressure from some radical liberal countries in the EU, such as Sweden and the Netherlands. As we have shown above, the children have had another, significantly different historical experience. The cubs have experienced "outsideness" throughout their existence. After all, the Magyars are a non-European people, not like Germans, Latins and Slavs: peoples who surround Hungary. We have always been met with mistrust, hostility, envy (when things went well for us) and hatred (when things went bad), ever since we arrived in the Carpathian Basin. For us, a stranger mostly means threat and not help. We think that our differences and peculiarities have value in themselves – it is enriching to have different languages, cultures and customs, which we want to cherish and preserve for our children and grandchildren. We have had our historical experience with other cultures, peoples and religions to a degree that it is enough and over. After 150 years under Islamic rule, we know how incompatible this religion and Christianity are. Something that the Swedes have only begun to learn and experience.

    The Swedes have thus chosen a different path, and now they are beginning to see the disadvantages that no one had warned them about. Advantageous qualities on which the Swedish welfare state was built – solidarity, collectivism, gullibility, peacefulness, honesty and diligence – have suddenly become disadvantages. The Swedes, in their naivety, had believed that the Swedish model offered such a beautiful role model for the "new arrivals" that they would compete with each other to transform themselves into real Swedes, with culture, customs and all. But the opposite has happened. Hair color, eyes and complexion cannot be changed. Immigrant children, born in Sweden and fluent in Swedish, are the ones who feel complex and hate the blond and white-skinned Swede. So instead, it is the immigrants who pressure the Swede to change and adapt, to accept the immigrants' religion, habits, values, view of women and social perception - including violence as a means to resolve conflicts. The cabbage has eaten the goat.

    Now Sweden is at the top of the world when it comes to rapes, shootings, bombings, burned cars and general insecurity. Conflicts between ethnic Swedes and immigrants are experienced in all areas of society. And no one has asked Mrs. Svensson if she wanted to be part of this. There has never been a referendum on mass immigration.

    We can safely say that Sweden is replacing ethnic Swedes with other kinds of people. According to all available demographic forecasts, the Swedes will become a minority in their own homeland within a generation. I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that Sweden will be the first nation in human history to voluntarily commit collective suicide. The Swedish state has lied to the Swedes. The state has failed them. The state is bad. The politicians have also lied. Politicians are bad. The Swede has been deceived. And the Swedish people have just begun to understand that. But it may be too late.

    But not only that, Sweden desperately wants to try to impose this failed social experiment on other countries. Since 2015 and the great wave of migration, Sweden has contributed to the EU stopping payments to Hungary. Money that Hungary is entitled to. Money for the payment of which no political conditions may be imposed. Especially not by third parties. Swedish politicians have stood up in the EU Parliament and scolded Hungary with words that I have listed at the beginning of this article. The Swedish - and Norwegian - state has financed NGO activities in Hungary that are hostile to the popularly elected government. A government that rules the country with a two-thirds majority in parliament for the fourth time in a row. In general, it can be said that Sweden, Swedish politicians and the Swedish media have dealt with Hungary on a daily basis, to a hugely disproportionate extent considering Hungary's importance on the international level. The question can be asked: why?

    And now we have arrived at the Swedish application for NATO membership. As everyone knows, Sweden has enjoyed a neutral state for 200 years - which was one of the prerequisites for the Swedish welfare state. Despite the fact that membership in NATO means a historic upheaval, a referendum has not come into question this time either. No power has seriously threatened Sweden during all these years, not even Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Soviet Union during the worst years of the Cold War. That a weakened Russia, which has been pushed back several hundred miles to the east after the dismantling of the Soviet Union, would now threaten Sweden is an absurd idea. But it has come in very handy for the failed Swedish rulers and the political elite, who steered Sweden towards a demographic abyss. Meanwhile, the Swedish media reporting has been manipulated by a journalist corps where 90 percent have left-liberal sympathies.

    Hungary has no interest in blocking Sweden's application. Whether Sweden and the Swedish people have any interest in giving up their two hundred years of neutrality is another question. But the Swedish people have not been asked this time either.

    Before Hungary joined NATO, a referendum was held on the issue. The Hungarian people had a chance to express their will. The question can be asked: which country is then more democratic?

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    Ugly history as it is. Don't blame me.
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    Thanks, many excellent historical notes, although I don't underwrite the comparison of those two democracies.

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    I was in a bit hurry while responding. It is true that Sweden has been lucky. Swedes have lived in peace without wars so long and actually have taken some benefit of the wars. I don't see that Sweden has shown enormous solidarity for people in other countries, at the same time agree that Sweden took care of Finnish children during the war. Swedish moral has however been more empty paragraphs. During the Palme time he shouted "Satans mördare", meaning USA, but he was quiet of bad things what happened in the Sovjet Union. In the beginning, during the 60s, the immigration was driven by needs of the Swedish industry. The Hungarian writer is right that problems occurred afterwards after the second generation of immigrants grew up and met the reality in which they were still in some extent second class citizens.

    I don't agree with the writer that Russia was pushed back several hundred miles to the east after the dismantling of the Soviet Union. Those people snd countries who broke away from the USSR were not Russians and spoke own language, as also Hungarians did and do. They were just subjugated by two dictators during the WWII. The borders of mother Russia have always changed during and after wars.

    Turkey and Hungary show now power and delay the ratification of our Nato membership. I do understand that our green politicians are irritating, stupid, even idiots, but we are not idiots. We know well that both countries have several economic projects with Russia, for example Rosatom builds nuclear plants in both countries. Those are huge projects binding countries to Russia.

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    I 100% agree with this article.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Östsvensk View Post
    My father has told me that during the 30s he learned at school that Sweden had been a poor agricultural country with famine, high unemployment and mass emigration around the turn of the century. My Swedish girlfriend's father at the time told me that they had been so poor during the 40s that they had to supplement the wheat flour with birch flour. That today's Sweden is undoubtedly one of the most successful and richest countries in the world has been achieved in part due to a fortunate position on the world map, through which the country was able to stay out of - and make a lot of money from - two world wars. But it also partly depends on own performance through the wise, hard and diligent work of the Swedish people, as well as the wise and historic settlement between Swedish workers and employers in the 1930s. Thus the Swedish welfare state was born – and the tendency to assert moral supremacy came with it.
    I have long pondered on this topic. Sure, one could argue that Sweden has been free of wars for a very long time, but some of the other countries that are the most developed today were through war not too long ago.
    The Swedish psyche must therefore be understood in this context, and with regard to the climate and geography, in a country where there are miles between houses and between people, both physically and psychologically. Sweden is characterized by enormous distances, sparsely populated areas, cold, meter-deep snow and darkness for half the year. Consequently, the Swede is lonely, isolated, afraid to make contact - but on the other hand straightforward and honest, diligent, considerate and tactful. Historically, Sweden was homogenous when it came to ethnicity and religion, so the Swede has always felt a deep solidarity with his fellow human beings, even strangers, when they were like him. "Blonde and blue-eyed" and members of the Swedish Church. If one was freezing or starving to death deep in the forest and a stranger appeared, he represented a sure rescue and not a threat. So the Swedish soul was imbued with solidarity: now it's your turn, next time it can be mine.
    That is interesting. Occasionally I do stumble upon elderly, whom seem to have this mentality, but the younger generations tend to be more self-absorbed. Have you noticed this?
    I also don't see this solidarity between Swedes that often. Sure, they might be saying things such as "we should all be kind to each other" etc., but at the end of the day many of them don't spend much time with each other. Maybe it also depends on whether you live in a metropolis or not? Maybe you have heard the stereotypes of the arrogant stockholmare?
    Through its fortunate geographical and historical background, Swedish society achieved great success and thus prosperity until the 1980s. The state was in solidarity, like the citizens, and took care of its sick, unemployed and elderly. Since the state was good, the state's representatives – the politicians and bureaucrats – must also be equally good, solidary, honest and scrupulous. The state, the politicians and the bureaucrats wanted the best of the Swedes, they were above all suspicion.
    Well, I don't know if I agree with this, that people actually believed that something was only good. That is what a naive child would think? I think what would apply better to this mindset is a society were you are not allowed to criticize the government and thus you can only think highly of them. It makes me think of when Sweden censored information about the war during WW2.

    You felt so good and experienced such a lack of discomfort that you began to feel uncomfortable. The Swede simply had a bad conscience because he was so rich and prosperous. I remember how the Swedish TV schedule during the 70s and 80s was full of "debate" programs where bearded, bespectacled, soft-spoken sociologists, philosophers, writers and journalists in worn cardigans talked about how Swedish society could be improved further. In the end, you must have come to the conclusion that everything was so good and perfect that the Swede had a moral duty to help other peoples and countries. Thus began the great social experiment: how could eight million Swedes save the entire earth with eight billion inhabitants? It must be a great idea: stand in solidarity with the whole world, stand in solidarity with eight billion people! Soon, however, it was noticed that foreign aid and grants of some fifty billion were no longer enough here. So Sweden started with mass immigration. They began to import the entire world's problems and conflicts into their own home. With dramatic consequences for Swedish society, culture and people, which we finally came to experience.
    I don't know if this is what people actually thought. It's different to have an idea of the state being rich and you being rich. Some things were easier back then but some things are easier today, thanks to globalization and technological advancements. It is what it is.
    As for improving further, you would think that if someone has the idea to improve (in general) they will tend to continue thinking in such way.

    We can safely say that Sweden is replacing ethnic Swedes with other kinds of people. According to all available demographic forecasts, the Swedes will become a minority in their own homeland within a generation. I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that Sweden will be the first nation in human history to voluntarily commit collective suicide. The Swedish state has lied to the Swedes.
    I think this has probably happened many times in history, but it wasn't this widely known. It's very much dependent on 1. an influx of non-natives of a country, and 2. the birthrate of the two populations.
    I can say for myself that I understand if a population doesn't want to have lots of kids, it's probably just a consequence of the cognition of those people. Like, people who spend more time on engineering will obviously think less about ideas of having kids.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemminkäinen View Post
    I was in a bit hurry while responding. It is true that Sweden has been lucky. Swedes have lived in peace without wars so long and actually have taken some benefit of the wars. I don't see that Sweden has shown enormous solidarity for people in other countries, at the same time agree that Sweden took care of Finnish children during the war. Swedish moral has however been more empty paragraphs. During the Palme time he shouted "Satans mördare", meaning USA, but he was quiet of bad things what happened in the Sovjet Union. In the beginning, during the 60s, the immigration was driven by needs of the Swedish industry. The Hungarian writer is right that problems occurred afterwards after the second generation of immigrants grew up and met the reality in which they were still in some extent second class citizens.
    I agree. And not to be offensive or anything, but I get the impression, when listening to arguments for immigration, that a lot of it is about how "Sweden will earn more on taking in immigrants in the long run" etc., and that begs the question: why are politicians using such rhetoric?
    If someone told me that we have to help those who have to go through horrible stuff etc., I would agree for moral reasons, but financial calculations?
    It feels very robotic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Atlantic Reptilian View Post
    I agree. And not to be offensive or anything, but I get the impression, when listening to arguments for immigration, that a lot of it is about how "Sweden will earn more on taking in immigrants in the long run" etc., and that begs the question: why are politicians using such rhetoric?
    If someone told me that we have to help those who have to go through horrible stuff etc., I would agree for moral reasons, but financial calculations?
    It feels very robotic.
    During the 60s and 70s. There was a big shortage of labor force.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemminkäinen View Post
    During the 60s and 70s. There was a big shortage of labor force.
    Yeah, I see, but this rhetoric was used in the 2010s too?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Atlantic Reptilian View Post
    Yeah, I see, but this rhetoric was used in the 2010s too?
    Politics, false rhetoric. Times and sutomation have changed things. Earlier everyone who came to Sweden got work from Volvo, Asea Scandia, SKF etc. My brother was two years in Göteborg. The first generation of immigrants came there from Balkans, even from Italy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemminkäinen View Post
    Politics, false rhetoric. Times and sutomation have changed things. Earlier everyone who came to Sweden got work from Volvo, Asea Scandia, SKF etc. My brother was two years in Göteborg. The first generation of immigrants came there from Balkans, even from Italy.

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