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  1. Alpine-med + CM

    Alpine-med + CM
  2. Replies

    Dark eyebrows, dark blonde hair, straight nose...

    Dark eyebrows, dark blonde hair, straight nose tip. I agree that she's predominantly dalofaelid though, but there is minor atlantid influence I think.
  3. Yeah but they make up 0% of the people I see IRL.

    Yeah but they make up 0% of the people I see IRL.
  4. Why are most of the baltid type people I see IRL white trash?

    Am I just racist? I'm in America BTW.
  5. By "hag" you mean normal adults, the way that...

    By "hag" you mean normal adults, the way that normal adults look.
  6. Replies

    I don't know what you're talking about. Neither...

    I don't know what you're talking about. Neither composites have an epicanthic fold. I am talking about the shape and position of the medial canthus, not if it's covered by skin or not.
  7. That's not a tranny. Women can have robust jaws,...

    That's not a tranny. Women can have robust jaws, though it is somewhat uncommon nowadays.
  8. False

  9. Perhaps they have thinner skin? Similar to how...

    Perhaps they have thinner skin? Similar to how blonds tend to have thinner body hair, just a thought. Anecdotally I am 18 and dark blond with subtle forehead wrinkles already lol. Both my parents are...
  10. Replies

    It could be a case of having a frame that just...

    It could be a case of having a frame that just accentuates your belly, like your rib cage shape maybe.
  11. Neo danubian

    Neo danubian
  12. Replies

    Eat lots of protein, avoid carbs and sugars, be...

    Eat lots of protein, avoid carbs and sugars, be more active.
  13. Poll: Yes, I think so, though as you're probably aware...

    Yes, I think so, though as you're probably aware this doesn't have the same social repercussion due to the pseudo feminine nature of it. Conversely, more robust men are seen as more masculine and...
  14. Poll: It's relative. They're naturally going to be less...

    It's relative. They're naturally going to be less robust than men due to genetics and hormones, just like they'll have wider hips, narrower shoulders, shorter stature, etc. A cro-magnon woman from 10...
  15. Except she is noticeably neotenous for an Asian....

    Except she is noticeably neotenous for an Asian. Low-set, recessed cheekbones, round jaw, small skull, short face, high palpebral fissure height. Most Asian people do not look like a 12 year old as...
  16. Replies

    The morphologically inclined finish last...

    The morphologically inclined finish last...
  17. Bump.

  18. Norid.

  19. also, who says this? and since when do people...

    also, who says this? and since when do people "boycott" video games? If you don't want to play the game, not buying it isn't boycotting.
  20. No, unless there isn't an option to play as a...

    No, unless there isn't an option to play as a male character. Only exception I can think of is Super Mario Bros. 2, when I was a kid I was terrible at it, so I'd play as the princess, since her jump...
  21. Replies

    I think his eyes are too round and shallow-set...

    I think his eyes are too round and shallow-set for that to be the case.
  22. Replies

    East Nordid with no fat pads left

    East Nordid with no fat pads left
  23. What makes Gary McKinnon and others look like that?

    Here's Gary McKinnon.
    ... and here's Gary McKinnon's parents. There's a pretty noticeable disconnect, Gary Mckinnon is noticeably more robust and eastern looking than either of his...
  24. Where can I learn about this?

    Where can I learn about this?
  25. Alright, carbon-dating or not, how do you explain...

    Alright, carbon-dating or not, how do you explain pre-human hominid fossils? Are they all fakes?
Results 1 to 25 of 341
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