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Thread: The New Religion Of Choice For White Supremacists

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    Quote Originally Posted by War Chief View Post
    Evolution was guided by greed. Thirst for pleasure and continuation of pleasant conditions. That's how single-celled protozoa which arose from primordial soup ingredients (water + hydrogen + a few others) developed into the complex life that we see today.

    Case in point the paramecium, a single-celled organism without any brain, yet it can learn and acquire information:

    I'm not implying we are biomechanical machines controlled by an outside force, rather we are part of some larger consciousness that is momentarily localized. As a cheesy analogy I'd say each individual can be likened to a small whirlpool that has formed in an ocean that temporary comes together for some time, then disappears, only to re-form elsewhere. We consider ourselves a separate whirlpool, but our true nature was always that ocean.

    As for the 2nd part, yes I agree with all your points. I'd like to add that I paint myself in real life to be an atheist, and most people I associate with think I'm atheist. I do it because identifying as anything else, especially some religious wacko would be an indicator of mental instability, weakness or just plain ignorance. Ironically though it's the atheists I met who are the most unstable, and lash-out time to time (I was wrongfully evicted from 1 apartment and taken to court by a frustrated atheist, for example). By the way I think it's no coincidence that Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot, some of the most blood-thirsty people in history who viewed human lives as nothing but statistics, were atheists. Though they substituted the empty void with ideological utopian goals, modern people substitute it with consumerism.
    When we speak about ‘learning’, we should be as clear as possible, as the word has several meanings. A lot of non-conscious things display pseudo-intelligent actions. Pretty much any life on Earth except for animals is just a biological automaton akin to a bot in a videogame, whose seemingly intelligent actions are just a sophisticated code in some programming language. The difference is, while the bot is designed that way, in case of life the natural selection promotes the efficient paterns of behavior, which usually leads to increased complexity and emergence of patterns. It is the ultimate brute force method, but over large periods of time, it works well. Genetic algorithms, purely mathematical thing, are based on this principle of trial and error. Consciousness appears to be nothing more than just another step in this and while it is very special to us, it is just an arbitrary trait, which happened to be useful at some point. But I can’t stress enough, how all of this is pretty much irrelevant to our actual lives. Our experiences are still very real to us, whether we have some ethereal component or not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacques de Imbelloni View Post
    Why the Church prescribes the use of linen for the liturgy, instead of cotton [...]
    I've always hated that the Church claims everything has a Judaic origin when so many of these traditions actually come from Roman, not Jewish custom. The images of doves, roses, and sea-shells (all symbols of Venus, mind you) that are woven onto Catholic priestly vestments are Roman in origin. The traditional red shoes worn by the Pope, which the Church explains as representing the blood of martyrs, actually originates from one of the ancient orders of Roman priests who wore red shoes in commemoration of the fact that in the earliest times, the priests were barefoot and their feet were stained red by blood from animal sacrifices.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Óttar View Post
    I've always hated that the Church claims everything has a Judaic origin when so many of these traditions actually come from Roman, not Jewish custom. The images of doves, roses, and sea-shells (all symbols of Venus, mind you) that are woven onto Catholic priestly vestments are Roman in origin. The traditional red shoes worn by the Pope, which the Church explains as representing the blood of martyrs, actually originates from one of the ancient orders of Roman priests who wore red shoes in commemoration of the fact that in the earliest times, the priests were barefoot and their feet were stained red by blood from animal sacrifices.

    A flamen was a priest of the ancient Roman religion who was assigned to one of fifteen deities with official cults during the Roman Republic. The most important three were the flamines maiores (or "major priests"), who served the important Roman gods Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus. The remaining twelve were the flamines minores ("lesser priests"). Two of the minores cultivated deities whose names are now unknown; among the others are deities about whom little is known other than the name. During the Imperial era, the cult of a deified emperor (divus) also had a flamen.

    The fifteen Republican flamens were part of the Pontifical College which administered state-sponsored religion. When the office of flamen was vacant, a pontifex could serve as a temporary replacement, although only the Pontifex Maximus is known to have substituted for the Flamen Dialis, one of the flamines maiores.

    History and etymology

    By the time of the religious reformation of Augustus, the origins and functions of many of the long-neglected gods resident in Rome was confusing even to the Romans themselves. The obscurity of some of the deities assigned a flamen (for example Falacer, Palatua, Quirinus and Volturnus) suggests that the office dated back to Archaic Rome. Many scholars[who?] assume that the flamines existed at least from the time of the early Roman kings, before the establishment of the Republic. The Romans themselves credited the foundation of the priesthood to Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome. According to Livy, Numa created the offices of the three flamines maiores and assigned them each a fine robe of office and a curule chair.[1] The flamines were circumscribed by many taboos.

    The origin of the word flamen is as obscure as are some of the assigned gods. Sophus Bugge suggested in 1879 that flamen is from an older *flădmen and related to the Germanic blót. Both would be derived from a Proto-Indo-European word *bhlād(s)men.[2] Indo-Europeanist Georges Dumézil attempted to link it to the Sanskrit word brahman.[3] This etymology is still controversial.

    El Flamen (en latín flamen,-inis) era un sacerdote romano que formaba parte del colegio de los flamines. Eran herencia de una antigüedad llena de sombras mistéricas. Su nombre, de la misma raíz indoeuropea que el término indio brahmán, hacía referencia al soplo (flatus) con el que encendían el fuego sagrado del altar. Eran los sacerdotes más prestigiosos de la Antigua Roma, equiparándose incluso a los pontífices.


    The official costume of a flamen, allegedly of great antiquity, was a hat called an apex and a heavy cloak called a laena. The laena was a double-thick wool cloak with a fringed edge, and was worn over the flamen's toga with a clasp to hold it around his throat.[4] The apex was a leather skull-cap with a chin-strap and a point of olive wood on its top, like a spindle, with a little fluff of wool at the base of the spindle.[5]


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    The suovetaurilia or suovitaurilia was one of the most sacred and traditional rites of Roman religion: the sacrifice of a pig (sus), a sheep (ovis) and a bull (taurus) to the deity Mars to bless and purify land (Lustratio).

    The ritual is preserved in Cato the Elder's De Agri Cultura, "On Agriculture". The first step was to lead the three animals around the boundaries of the land to be blessed, pronouncing the following words:

    Cum divis volentibus quodque bene eveniat, mando tibi, Mani, uti illace suovitaurilia fundum agrum terramque meam quota ex parte sive circumagi sive circumferenda censeas, uti cures lustrare.

    "That with the good help of the gods success may crown our work, I bid thee, Manius, to take care to purify my farm, my land, my ground with this suovetaurilia, in whatever part thou thinkest best for them to be driven or carried around."

    "Manius" in this passage may be an obscure minor deity, related to the Manes, or may be the equivalent of English John Doe. Then, before the sacrifice is performed, the following prayer to Mars must be made:

    Mars pater, te precor quaesoque uti sies volens propitius mihi domo familiaeque nostrae, quoius re ergo agrum terram fundumque meum suovitaurilia circumagi iussi, uti tu morbos visos invisosque, viduertatem vastitudinemque, calamitates intemperiasque prohibessis defendas averruncesque; utique tu fruges, frumenta, vineta virgultaque grandire beneque evenire siris, pastores pecuaque salva servassis duisque bonam salutem valetudinemque mihi domo familiaeque nostrae; harumce rerum ergo, fundi terrae agrique mei lustrandi lustrique faciendi ergo, sicuti dixi, macte hisce suovitaurilibus lactentibus inmolandis esto; Mars pater, eiusdem rei ergo macte hisce suovitaurilibus lactentibus esto

    "Father Mars, I pray and beseech thee that thou be gracious and merciful to me, my house, and my household; to which intent I have bidden this suovetaurilia to be led around my land, my ground, my farm; that thou keep away, ward off, and remove sickness, seen and unseen, barrenness and destruction, ruin and unseasonable influence; and that thou permit my harvests, my grain, my vineyards, and my plantations to flourish and to come to good issue, preserve in health my shepherds and my flocks, and give good health and strength to me, my house, and my household. To this intent, to the intent of purifying my farm, my land, my ground, and of making an expiation, as I have said, deign to accept the offering of these suckling victims; Father Mars, to the same intent deign to accept the offering of these suckling offering."

    The original Latin of this prayer is crudely metrical and incantatory; even in Old Latin, the prayer contains many rhetorical figures such as alliteration and liberal use of merisms and antithesis. It illustrates the sing-song, metrical, and poetic format of polytheistic prayers. Cakes of bread were sacrificed along with the three animals. At the moment the sacrifices were made, the landowner was to say:

    Eiusque rei ergo macte suovitaurilibus inmolandis esto.

    "To this intent deign to accept the offering of these victims."

    If favourable omens as a response to the sacrifice were not forthcoming, the landowner was instructed to redo the sacrifice and offer a further prayer:

    Mars pater, siquid tibi in illisce suovitaurilibus lactentibus neque satisfactum est, te hisce suovitaurilibus piaculo.

    "Father Mars, if aught hath not pleased thee in the offering of those sucklings, I make atonement with these victims."

    If only one or two of the omens expected after the three sacrifices failed to appear, the landowner was instructed to offer an additional swine, saying:

    Mars pater, quod tibi illoc porco neque satisfactum est, te hoc porco piaculo.

    "Father Mars, inasmuch as thou wast not pleased by the offering of that pig, I make atonement with this pig."

    The nature of the expected omens is not given by Cato. The omens, however, were likely determined by the art of haruspicy, the examination of the entrails, and especially the livers, of sacrificed animals for divinatory signs.

    Both public and private suovetaurilias were performed in the Roman religion. Cato describes the ritual performed to purify, or "lustrate", a farm. A private rural suovetaurilia was sacrificed each May on the festival of Ambarvalia, a festival that involved "walking around the fields." Public suovetaurilias were offered at certain state ceremonies, including agricultural festivals, the conclusion of a census, and to atone for any accidental ritual errors. Traditionally, suovetaurilias were performed at five year intervals: this period was called a lustrum, and the purification sought by a suovetaurilia was called lustration.
    Suovetaurilia in a military setting, from Trajan's Column
    Right hand panel of The Bridgeness Slab showing a suovetaurilia.[1]

    If a temple were destroyed, the site of the temple must be purified by a suovetaurilia before a new temple could be reconstructed on the site. When the Capitolium was burnt as a result of a struggle for imperial succession in the year 69, a suovetaurilia was performed to reconsecrate the site. A public suovetaurilia was also offered to bless the army before a major military campaign. On Trajan's column, the emperor Trajan is depicted as offering a suovetaurilia to purify the Roman army. A suovetaurilia is shown on the right hand panel of The Bridgeness Slab. It was suggested that the sacrifice might have been made at the start of the building of the Antonine Wall.[2]

    Some religious rites similar to the Roman suovetaurilia were practiced by a few other Indo-European peoples, from Iberia to India. The Cabeço das Fráguas inscript (found in Portugal) describes a threefold sacrifice practiced by the Lusitanians, devoting a sheep, a pig and a bull to what may have been local gods.[3] In the Indian Sautramani, a ram, a bull and a goat were sacrificed to Indra Sutraman;[3] in Iran ten thousand sheep, a thousand cattle and a hundred stallions were dedicated to Ardvi Sura Anahita.[3] Similar to the above rituals is the Greek trittoíai, the oldest known being described in the Odyssey and dedicated to Poseidon. Also Plutarch report in the Parallel lives, speaking of the life of Pirrus, about the sacrifice of a ram, a pig and a bull. The Umbrian Iguvine Tables also describe a sacrificial ritual related to the aforementioned rites.

    For most sacrifices, a priest would have his head covered by the folds of a toga to guard against ill-omened sights and sounds, except at Saturnalia when things were the reverse of the usual and priests performed sacrifices with their heads uncovered.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Óttar View Post
    I've always hated that the Church claims everything has a Judaic origin when so many of these traditions actually come from Roman, not Jewish custom. The images of doves, roses, and sea-shells (all symbols of Venus, mind you) that are woven onto Catholic priestly vestments are Roman in origin. The traditional red shoes worn by the Pope, which the Church explains as representing the blood of martyrs, actually originates from one of the ancient orders of Roman priests who wore red shoes in commemoration of the fact that in the earliest times, the priests were barefoot and their feet were stained red by blood from animal sacrifices.
    Yeah of course, the Catholic church has taken in a lot of things from pagan Roman and other cultures. That is one more reason why the Catholic church should not be seen as the sole representative of Jesus on earth -- because it isn't. And it detracts from the truth of God, which is not contained in any tradition.

    Once you find Jesus, any tradition doesn't matter anymore. He transcends it all. And is higher than all.
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