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Thread: Great replacement conspiracy: Protesters call for far-right debate at KU Leuven to be scrapped

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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Frank Grimes View Post
    I can't debate over studies that aren't posted. When I speak of immigration, I'm speaking of legal rather than illegal and refugees. There is a humanitarian streak among Western Europeans that don't exist with other groups, and hence they're more open to taking care of illegals and especially refugees (and people pretending to be refugees).

    The minimum wage isn't dependent on supply and demand. The government sets it. If the minimum wage is say $15 then it'll stay $15 regardless if a wave of immigrants arrives in a nation or not.

    A demographic decrease is not good if a significant portion of your population is elderly and therefore no longer productive, and with each generation, the elderly population becomes even larger unless you can bring or breed young, able-bodied people to work. You need workers to support your ever-increasing elderly population financially. You need economic growth to pay for pensions and healthcare costs. If one-third of your population is the elderly who are no longer able to be productive, then you're fucked. You need young workers if you want all these state benefits. There is no way around it. It's not sustainable. The ratio of retirees to workers is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

    Yes, and this is the way to go, but we're not in a position where robotics and automatization will save the day any time soon.

    Yes, I've spoken about this before. They bring in Vietnamese, etc. to work for a period of time. They contribute to the public fund but don't benefit from the public fund. They are expected to eventually go back to their homelands. The immigrant goes back home with their savings, which is like a small fortune in their homeland. This is a great plan.

    However, Western Europeans aren't Japanese. Western Europeans would see this as economic exploitation. Even though it's completely rational and everyone benefits, Europeans themselves would not allow this to happen.

    Economic realities are a bitch.

    Why would these other Euro nations, who also have fertility issues, allow their future to disappear into Western Europe? If young Polish workers left at the same rates as people from MENA/SSA nations it would hurt the future of the Polish economy. The Polish government has no issue with some of their young, able-body workers leaving for Western Europe (because it does release economic pressure on them at the present time) but they're not going to allow their future to disappear, and nor do most young Polish workers want to leave Poland.

    There is nothing nefarious going on. It's just basic economics, as always. You need workers. People in Eastern Europe are just not poor enough to leave in a massive wave to meet your needs.
    Knock yourself out with this +224 pages report in French, which is a governement study that was mandated by LR (center right).

    The key point is that immigration is not economically beneficial overall, it's not even neutral or slightly positive which would be already terrible but it has a negative impact. Of course the left critized it and ran around in circles waving their hands in the air but that already tells you everything you need to know about the conclusion and that it's not an economical issue but political. The left doesn't care about economy, it just wants more poor to sell their crap, and what better than some mass of unqualified idiots to build their electoral base.

    The study even came up in it with a formula when it comes the salaries:
    un accroissement de 1 % de la main-d’œuvre
    dű ŕ l’immigration se traduirait selon les études par une variation de l’emploi des non immigrés comprise entre -0,3 % et +0,3 %, et une variation des salaires comprise
    entre -0,8 % et +0,5 %
    Basically +1% of people from immigrant background, lowers the salaries by 0.5-0.8% of the non immigrants.

    Also net contributions natives/immigrants

    They contribute almost half as much as natives in taxes revenue and the general budget.

    It shouldn't come as a surprise anyway, imagining that just transporting people from one set of coordinates on a map to another will magically transform them into more productive assets when they come from failed civilizations, is incredibly irrational.

    Other studies and economists have varying estimates but nowadays all agree its impact is negative from 20 to 80 Billions a year depending how much parameters you put in the equation. To give a sense of scale, ironically the retirement's reform that is passed right now pusing the retirement to 64y is supposed to save between 10-15 Billions, so without the cost of immigration, they wouldn't even have to reform it in order to balance the upcoming budget of pensions. Actually some economists think we could even lower it down to 60y for a mere 20 Billions. It's a political choice, not economical. There s no need for immigration to balance that out, on the contrary even. If you want a better budget for pensions you need to start filling boats and airplanes the other way around. Simply from an economical perspective...

    Of course you can't directly lower the minimum wage but you can choose to index it more strongly on the inflation for example and many other undirect mechanisms. Or simply keep many types of jobs at the minimum wage that shouldn't be by creating this bias of demand, even with millions of unemployed and unoccupied jobs in different fields.

    Some businesses in services or construction for example, really love immigration, the dirtier, more unqualified and illegal, the better, so they can exploit them and take new ones once they are regularized or start to make demands, which in turns prevents natives to do these underpaid jobs, creating this vicious circle. In Paris most of the restaurants worker in the back are Africans nowadays, Uber is delivered to your door by +95% MENA and Africans, etc..yes for those immigration is an amazing ressource. Nobody else need or want them. Yet half of the youth in ethnic neighbourhoods is unemployed because they are not recent anymore but these places are packing densly altogether second or even third generations of immigration. Im sure it's the same in other countries with high rate of immigration, maye they might just trail back 10 years or so compared to France when it comes to the extent of its negative impact. There are governements willing to publicly release their financial studies or not, like Denmark as well, since apparently they are done with all this and start deporting them back. It's been done in France with Italians in the past by the way. Out of the Millions who immigrated last century, more than half were sent back once they completed their jobs or became unemployed.

    You think this is an economical issue, as in European nations need those migrants to keep afloat economically, maybe in very short sighted view and particular fields but on a global perspective it's not the case.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Smeagol View Post
    White people deserve some blame for giving Jews so much power in our societies in the first place, but Jews have been the main force working to replace us. In my country it was the Jews who were responsible for the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act that which brought us down from a 90% white nation to a 55% white nation (and decreasing) in 50 years.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dick View Post

    Immigration literally causes inflation. It's not whites from other parts of the world that are migrating to Europe so I wouldn't call the Great Replacement a conspiracy. AI will replace a good amount of human jobs in the future as well.
    It's not surprising that Jews promote SJW ideas because for the most part they lived as minorities in White man's countries. Ethnic nationalists and White nationalists don't like Jews, which pushes Jews to promote anti-nationalistic ideas. Btw nowadays in Europe Jews are often victims of anti-semitic hate crimes done by Muslims immigrants.

    Not all people who promoted the idea of "melting pot" in USA were Jewish. And even if they were all Jews, I don't think it's realistic to assume that a couple of Jews play millions of White people like puppets. What about countries other than USA? Sweden, Netherlands etc all promote the melting pot idea due to Jewish influence?

    I saw some people blame feminism and low birthrates on Jews too. East Asia have very low birthrate too, but I don't think you can accuse them of being Jewish influenced.
    Last edited by Scandal; 03-19-2023 at 08:00 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Petalpusher View Post
    Knock yourself out with this +224 pages report in French, which is a governement study that was mandated by LR (center right).
    Unfortunately, I don't read French. I'll just take your word for it.

    The key point is that immigration is not economically beneficial overall, it's not even neutral or slightly positive which would be already terrible but it has a negative impact. Of course the left critized it and ran around in circles waving their hands in the air but that already tells you everything you need to know about the conclusion and that it's not an economical issue but political. The left doesn't care about economy, it just wants more poor to sell their crap, and what better than some mass of unqualified idiots to build their electoral base.

    The study even came up in it with a formula when it comes the salaries:

    Basically +1% of people from immigrant background, lowers the salaries by 0.5-0.8% of the non immigrants.

    Also net contributions natives/immigrants

    They contribute almost half as much as natives in taxes revenue and the general budget.

    It shouldn't come as a surprise anyway, imagining that just transporting people from one set of coordinates on a map to another will magically transform them into more productive assets when they come from failed civilizations, is incredibly irrational.

    Other studies and economists have varying estimates but nowadays all agree its impact is negative from 20 to 80 Billions a year depending how much parameters you put in the equation. To give a sense of scale, ironically the retirement's reform that is passed right now pusing the retirement to 64y is supposed to save between 10-15 Billions, so without the cost of immigration, they wouldn't even have to reform it in order to balance the upcoming budget of pensions.

    Of course you can't directly lower the minimum wage but you can choose to index it more strongly on the inflation for example and many other undirect mechanisms. Or simply keep many types of jobs at the minimum wage that shouldn't be by creating this bias of demand, even with millions of unemployed and unoccupied jobs in different fields.

    Some businesses in services or construction for example, really love immigration, the dirtier, more unqualified and illegal, the better, so they can exploit them and take new ones once they are regularized or start to make demands, which in turns prevents natives to do these underpaid jobs, creating this vicious circle. In Paris most of the restaurants worker in the back are Africans nowadays, Uber is delivered to your door by +95% MENA and Africans, etc..yes for those immigration is an amazing ressource. Nobody else need or want them. Yet half of the youth in ethnic neighbourhoods is unemployed because they are not recent anymore but these places are packing densly altogether second or even third generations of immigration. Im sure it's the same in other countries with high rate of immigration, maye they might just trail back 10 years or so compared to France when it comes to the extent of its negative impact. There are governements willing to publicly release their financial studies or not, like Denmark as well, since apparently they are done with all this and start deporting them back. It's been done in France with Italians in the past by the way. Out of the Millions who immigrated last century, more than half were sent back once they completed their jobs or became unemployed.
    The very same center-right government acknowledges it needs immigrants and wants to take a more rational approach.

    Centre-right French governments over the past decade have attempted to implement policies similar to the points-based systems in Australia and Canada, where immigration eligibility is determined by an applicant’s ability to score above a threshold number of points in a scoring system that includes factors such as education level, work skills and language fluency. The US also maintains an occupations list for H-1B work visas. When he was in power, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed a “jobs in demand” residence permit as well as immigration quotas before giving up on the proposals.

    In Europe, there is a growing awareness of the need to address labour shortages, according to immigration experts.

    You think this is an economical issue, as in European nations need those migrants to keep afloat economically, maybe in very short sighted view and particular fields but on a global perspective it's not the case.
    I don't think it's an economics issue. I know it's an economics issue. By 2050 a third of Western Europe's population will be senior citizens. Where will your production come? Automation and robotics are not at the point we need them to be, or any time soon, to keep the economy from collapsing.

    Let's say immigrants have a negative on the economy. It doesn't change the reality that even if you eliminate all the unproductive and government-leeching immigrants and their children, you still need workers to maintain the future of your economy: what you're not addressing is that with each generation the population is aging, and so you'll have fewer workers to support the entire system.

    Actually some economists think we could even lower it down to 60y for a mere 20 Billions. It's a political choice, not economical.
    Did those economists explain how the economy will be kept afloat as the population becomes older and the working population becomes smaller?

    There s no need for immigration to balance that out, on the contrary even. If you want a better budget for pensions you need to start filling boats and airplanes the other way around. Simply from an economical perspective...
    That's great. Send the unproductive off in boats and planes back home. That doesn't solve the issue of a decreasing working population and a rise in dependents (senior citizens).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Frank Grimes View Post

    I don't think it's an economics issue. I know it's an economics issue. By 2050 a third of Western Europe's population will be senior citizens. Where will your production come? Automation and robotics are not at the point we need them to be, or any time soon, to keep the economy from collapsing.

    Let's say immigrants have a negative on the economy. It doesn't change the reality that even if you eliminate all the unproductive and government-leeching immigrants and their children, you still need workers to maintain the future of your economy: what you're not addressing is that with each generation the population is aging, and so you'll have fewer workers to support the entire system.

    Did those economists explain how the economy will be kept afloat as the population becomes older and the working population becomes smaller?

    Well when you spend 35% of your gdp in social spendings and you are champion in the world that gives you a bit of leeway to change...everything.

    Economists have each their own recipes, and some within their ideologies of course. I would say most agree that you can rearrange those spending for huge savings. Some propose to reorient a larger part to natalist policies which is comparatively low to the rest in the whole package. You can restrict those cheques to natives which would actually make sense, since if locals don't have any advantages over foreigners, then the concept of nation itself doesn't even exist anymore. That alone would finance anything you can imagine for retirement, pensions or temporary demographic unbalance. Even a cut of a few percents is hundred of billions each years.

    Up until the 80, France had equal level of gdp of Germany, so basically higher than anywhere else, then it started to degrade, which in turns is exactly the era mass non European migration started to happen. Not the only reason of course but likely not a coincidence either as it also went on with increasing social spendings, shockingly higher taxes and in turn the slow degradation of industrial tissues, which was the country strong suit, unlike a less skillful economy more oriented towards services as it is now. There used to be very productive small businesses sporting high added value, with quite a few world leaders in specific sectors, high tech or heavy duty industries.

    The current model obviously doesn't work and indeed i agree economy is a bitch. When a business is going down you have to take drastic measures and start laying off the unproductive assets and employees, go into another direction, etc...No hard feelings this is just how it works. The good thing is they likely wouldn't need to kick out anybody, you just cut the social checks and they will scoot elsewhere, wherever that might be, they are not here for our pretty eyes but only because it's good to live around here not doing much or anything, which can apply to a lot of West Euro nations, maybe just not to the same enormous extent of France (yet). That, on top of a few more technical reforms and policies encouraging natality.

    Im again sorry this is in french language, has to be, but this sums it up pretty well in 3 minutes in this economic investigative committee, maybe it's worth using even the YT traductor. That guy is center politically but has the balls to call it exactly the way it went down economically.

    Last edited by Petalpusher; 03-21-2023 at 03:29 PM.

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    Low birthrate + hordes of young military age outsiders and third worlders is not a good thing. Obvious is crime and ghettos and even worse is those who start mixing.

    As for Jews, its their unlimited shekel power and lobbying from leftist groups.
    The Zionists on the other hand have muzzled the new right wing on certain issues so now its all blaming Muslims or other immigrants.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragoon View Post
    Low birthrate + hordes of young military age outsiders and third worlders is not a good thing. Obvious is crime and ghettos and even worse is those who start mixing.

    As for Jews, its their unlimited shekel power and lobbying from leftist groups.
    The Zionists on the other hand have muzzled the new right wing on certain issues so now its all blaming Muslims or other immigrants.
    It’s just a conspiracy theory!

    Jews and their self hating lefty minions destroyed the Germanic nations and now they’ll try to move on to Slavs

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    Quote Originally Posted by Petalpusher View Post
    Well when you spend 35% of your gdp in social spendings and you are champion in the world that gives you a bit of leeway to change...everything.

    Economists have each their own recipes, and some within their ideologies of course. I would say most agree that you can rearrange those spending for huge savings. Some propose to reorient a larger part to natalist policies which is comparatively low to the rest in the whole package. You can restrict those cheques to natives which would actually make sense, since if locals don't have any advantages over foreigners, then the concept of nation itself doesn't even exist anymore. That alone would finance anything you can imagine for retirement, pensions or temporary demographic unbalance. Even a cut of a few percents is hundred of billions each years.

    You can try to give natives economic advantages, but this ignores the following:

    1) This will be seen as racist and not implemented.
    2) Even if it was implemented, the trend across the globe is a higher standard of living means fewer children unless the family is highly religious. People prefer to have fewer children when their society's economy allows for class mobility. Now that a family has the resources they will focus those resources on a few children so that they have an advantage instead of spreading those resources across multiple children.

    Up until the 80, France had equal level of gdp of Germany, so basically higher than anywhere else, then it started to degrade, which in turns is exactly the era mass non European migration started to happen. Not the only reason of course but likely not a coincidence either as it also went on with increasing social spendings, shockingly higher taxes and in turn the slow degradation of industrial tissues, which was the country strong suit, unlike a less skillful economy more oriented towards services as it is now. There used to be very productive small businesses sporting high added value, with quite a few world leaders in specific sectors, high tech or heavy duty industries.

    Correlation is not causation. Germany also has a large immigrant population. That France declined economically, while Germany still maintains its position means either their immigration population is far less of a burden (they have the same difficulties as France with their immigrant population) or French economic policies during this time were counterproductive.

    The current model obviously doesn't work and indeed i agree economy is a bitch. When a business is going down you have to take drastic measures and start laying off the unproductive assets and employees, go into another direction, etc...No hard feelings this is just how it works. The good thing is they likely wouldn't need to kick out anybody, you just cut the social checks and they will scoot elsewhere, wherever that might be, they are not here for our pretty eyes but only because it's good to live around here not doing much or anything, which can apply to a lot of West Euro nations, maybe just not to the same enormous extent of France (yet). That, on top of a few more technical reforms and policies encouraging natality.
    You'd have to send the unproductive packing to their native lands. To be poor in France but receive no welfare is better than being poor in North Africa and especially SSA because there are benefits to living in a 1st World nation, such as superior healthcare (you won't get turned away at the hospital during an emergency) and far better charities.

    The possibility is they leave for other Western Euro nations that will allow them these welfare benefits. Perhaps these nations will do the same as France but the problem will once again be it's better to be poor in a 1st World nation with no welfare benefits than poor in a 3rd World nation.

    This may even ironically flip the script and cause people to look for work because it's better to have a low paying job in a 1st World nation where you'll have worker rights then in a 3rd World nation where those rights are limited.

    This would also not address the large 'French' population that is 2nd and 3rd generation French citizens. To be able to implement your new welfare program you'd need to get people on board, and many French (both native and ethnically non-French who will vote) will not find this acceptable. You'd literally have to change what it is to be a French citizen to even possibly push for this change in welfare because the real problem isn't so much the immigrant arriving but the descendant of immigrants.

    Im again sorry this is in french language, has to be, but this sums it up pretty well in 3 minutes in this economic investigative committee, maybe it's worth using even the YT traductor. That guy is center politically but has the balls to call it exactly the way it went down economically.

    There are no English subtitles.

    I remind you that even the center-right party that your study was published under says they need immigrants. The difference they want to copy how the Canadian and Australians do it, which still leads to massive immigration.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquart View Post
    What a facile unsophisticated lackluster argument. The Chinese are right : you Americans are unsophisticated business types. Economics is a tool not an end in itself so if it fails a people or starts to be to the detriment of the larger demographic then it needs to be changed.
    I'm simply stating the facts. What do you, oh so sophisticated Eurotash, recommend?

    Are you not aware of the proposed Morgenthau plan, for Germany, and that Japan was part of the Axis powers then rebuilt to mirror America civilizationally ? The low birth rates are due to Jewish led or Jewish inspired feminism :
    Feminism isn't an issue in Japan, as you would know if you actually knew anything about Japan.

    Once again, for the low IQ, as standards of living rise, people have fewer children. This can be seen in current 1st World nations and nations quickly developing (regardless of race).

    India’s Population Growth Slows as Women Have Fewer Children

    India, the world’s second most populous country, has reached a key demographic milestone as birth rates drop below replacement level, according to a government survey.

    Brazil's Falling Birth Rate: A 'New Way Of Thinking'

    Brazil has undergone a demographic shift so dramatic that it has astonished social scientists. Over the past 50 years, the fertility rate has tumbled from six children per woman on average to fewer than two — and is now lower than in the United States.

    Apparently, Jews are now out to get Indians and Brazilians... lolz...

    I can keep going with other nations that are quickly developing, you dumb fuck. There is nothing sinister going on, as I explained.

    How is your Jewish or negro afro doing today , in your avatar, bad inferior mongrel race hair day ? :
    Yeah, that is me. I played professional hockey in the 70s.

    Let us say about 35 of the top 100 billionaires , in America, are Jewish. They are more ethnocentric and xenophobic than gentiles so can act in more of a coordinated effort than the more individualistic gentile billionaires.

    Jews have been chipping away at the pillars of Western civilization for a long time now. Only an idiot would think that this long train of abuses was just a collection of 'isolated incidents'. You are one of those brainwashed sheeple idiots that delusionally thinks he is smart and the voice of reason because you echo socially correct platitudes of your degenerate Weimar America Zeitgeist.

    Your American overly financed debt economy or parasitic Jew American economy is asymmetrical and destined to collapse :

    1. Globalization--free flow of capital, labor arbitrage (workers must compete with the lowest-cost labor around the world).
    2. Nearly free money from central banks for bankers, financiers and corporations.
    3. Pay-to-play "democracy"-- wealth casts the only votes that count.
    4. State protected cartels that privatize gains and socialize losses.
    5. A political system stripped of self-correcting feedback and accountability.

    As the limits of colonialization became increasingly visible, Global Predatory Capitalism had no market left to exploit but its home populace.

    It did this in two ways:

    1. It purchased the Central State's partnership in privatizing the profits from rampant speculation and financial leverage--i.e. the "financial innovations" which have strip-mined the middle class of their assets--while spreading the risks and losses from this speculative fraud onto the taxpayers, i.e. the public.

    2. It deployed increasingly invasive marketing to colonize the minds of the home country citizenry, effectively brainwashing them into "consumers" who bought into the fantasy of ever-rising real estate and the dubious notion that debt could expand forever as long as the Central State kept credit cheap.

    “One might well ask, Why are there any Jews in the world order? That would be exactly like asking, Why are there potato bugs? Nature is dominated by the law of struggle. There will always be parasites…”
    — Joseph Goebbels
    This is the typical 'cut and paste' type response you get when someone isn't interested in addressing the actual question being asked and so they broaden the topic because they can't provide an actual answer to the actual question.

    But, then again, 'It's the Jews!' is an answer for everything, right?

    I'll repeat myself again - because you're obviously a halfwit - demographic decline is seen in 1st World nations, and nations quickly developing economically (regardless of race), because that's what happens when you have a rise in the standard of living. People choose to have fewer children so that they can focus their resources on those few children so that they'll be able to take advantage of opportunities that are now open to them.

    But go ahead and tell me how Jews are manipulating the Japanese and Germans for almost a century to follow economic patterns that all other nations developing economically follow. The most xenophobic people - Japanese and Koreans - are just putty in the hands of the Jews... Lolz...

    Fuck off, loser.
    Last edited by Colonel Frank Grimes; 03-27-2023 at 03:11 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dick View Post
    It’s just a conspiracy theory!

    Jews and their self hating lefty minions destroyed the Germanic nations and now they’ll try to move on to Slavs
    Well if it makes you feel better 20/24 of those students are caucasian.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquart View Post
    Mathematical propositions are tautological and that economists are 'scientists' just like biologists and physicists a joke. Are you enjoying your pseudo-scientific tautological circle jerk ?

    So, r and K ecological/biological theory does not apply in that more K selected 'whites' and asians don't create those first world nations ? What came first the chicken or the egg ? You are just another American retard who does not understand math and science -- H1b immigrants, anyone ? Clearly feminism has nothing to do with it hence the CIA tries to foment feminist revolutions in Iran etc.. but Japan and Brazil couldn't be influenced by Western feminist cultural imperialism at all ? You are straight retarded. Obviously, America and other Western nations are ground zero for feminism but it exists on a spectrum.

    You have been conquered by the Jew because you are a mongrel e.g. moorish blood.

    Cut and paste ? I am not going to reinvent the wheel and it does not make it untrue subgenius. Only two Americans know history and you are not one of them : the Jews and Irish literally rewrote American immigration laws e.g. the 1965 Chains Immigration act and geniuses since at least Greco-Roman times have named the Jew but you are no genius you are straight mentally retarded at STEM and history inter alia.
    Oh, hello JamesBond007. Nice to see you back again.

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