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Thread: My AncestryDNA Results

  1. #31
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    I have a question I wanted to ask if anyone here has ever done a second test with Ancestry and if so how different were the results for you? What it worth it or better the 2nd time? I am considering doing a 2nd test by some means since I am not fully satisfied with my ethnicity results and disappointed with the vagueness and lack of detail/genetic groups. It's also because my parents won't take it and sadly my grandma can't anymore. Advice would be greatly appreciated please don't be rude though.

    Also I don't do classifications currently, sorry.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by calxpal View Post
    I have a question I wanted to ask if anyone here has ever done a second test with Ancestry and if so how different were the results for you? What it worth it or better the 2nd time? I am considering doing a 2nd test by some means since I am not fully satisfied with my ethnicity results and disappointed with the vagueness and lack of detail/genetic groups. It's also because my parents won't take it and sadly my grandma can't anymore. Advice would be greatly appreciated please don't be rude though.
    I've never actually seen anyone's results who took it twice. As far as the data, maybe some slight variation is possible, with no-calls or some quality issue, but basically it should be identical. I think the question would be if their algorithm works like Vahaduo, where sometimes even with the same source and target, the result will wiggle back and forth a little with each calculation.

    Regarding other aspects of your results, I think I have said before, I'd like to see them work on improving the sensitivity of the communities tool, or to keep growing/developing their samples within the established communities. I still can't fathom how my mom has 87.5% German ancestry, gets a German community -- but my sister and I do not? Yet I do get a Cornwall, England community -- curtesy of one 3x great-grandparent. Weird.

    If you feel like it, I'd be curious to see how you would adjust your current percentages to improve your estimate?

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.G View Post
    I've never actually seen anyone's results who took it twice. As far as the data, maybe some slight variation is possible, with no-calls or some quality issue, but basically it should be identical. I think the question would be if their algorithm works like Vahaduo, where sometimes even with the same source and target, the result will wiggle back and forth a little with each calculation.

    Regarding other aspects of your results, I think I have said before, I'd like to see them work on improving the sensitivity of the communities tool, or to keep growing/developing their samples within the established communities. I still can't fathom how my mom has 87.5% German ancestry, gets a German community -- but my sister and I do not? Yet I do get a Cornwall, England community -- curtesy of one 3x great-grandparent. Weird.

    If you feel like it, I'd be curious to see how you would adjust your current percentages to improve your estimate?
    I'm curious about that as well I wonder how different the result variations would be for example if Ancestry provided different runs of your ethnicity estimate and not just one.

    I agree yes the communities were my biggest let down. It would be cool if they offered a feature like "possibly applicable communities" based on the communities of relatives.

    And yeah I admit it would likely be a waste of money to test twice and quite possibly there would not be a lot of change, it was just a curious idea.

    Although I did hear news that they are planning on allowing uploads in the near future which is very exciting if true, I look forward to that very much and then I could do a quick and easy comparison with a different set of raw data and get family member results easily too. I will be keeping and eye out for this =)

    I will say though that sometimes It's fun and interesting to receive different percentages on these tests than you expect than what you already had in mind from your background...and maybe I'm being whiny lol and they do have ranges.....but in terms of improving the accuracy I would adjust the current percentage by upping the Irish by at least 3x, reducing the Scottish by 1/3 or so to 20-25%, increasing the French to maybe 17-18%, getting rid of the 6% Sweden/Denmark, adding in around 3-6% Germanic Europe for my Dutch GG-Grandparent, add in at least 5% Balkan (although I think it may be absorbed into Eastern Europe, but it seems hard to believe I'd have absolutely none especially with my grandma's 23andme and the region her ancestors come from), and maybe add 1% or so Basque since I have multiple distant ancestors who came from the Basque region of France...although I believe they were not all ethnically Basque but I have French Canadian relatives on Ancestry scoring up to 25% so I think it would make sense. I would keep the other percentages I didn't mention unchanged. I would also adjust the chromosome painting as it looks odd with so many chromosomes painted only one whole color, at least for me I think. I would also want to see an improvement in consistency a little since I have a very small number of relatives on Ancestry that share zero ethnicities with me, I feel like they should share something if we are related.

    But ofc I know some things complicate my prediction like random inheritance and people lying about their ethnicity possibly and reference populations too. I don't dislike my results though lol just confused by a few parts of it.

    And I would also add back in trace ancestry instead of having it as "unassigned" because idk it makes me laugh to see the unassigned when the hack assigns it lol. And I think it makes sense hmmm.

    But I also have an idea of which genetic groups I would add, I'm not going to bother naming all the exact regions though lol.

    Anyways I'm curious to know your opinion and share your thoughts ofc =) I appreciate the comment! I'm really hoping that the next Ancestry update is a bigger one!

    Also I don't do classifications currently, sorry.

  4. #34
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    I wanted to give a heads up to anyone with Ancestry results on here without a membership that they are going to be putting shared matches and ancestors in common/surnames and related features behind a membership paywall, there is a notice up under the shared matches and trees tab now. I would recommend looking through and screenshotting them now if you can, or saving them however. I am very unhappy about this, although I don't mean to upset any AncestryDNA fans on here. Please don't bring up 23andme on this thread either unless if it's related to my ancestry breakdown.

    I think It's possible they'll be moving other things behind the paywall too, but I'm not sure ):.

    Also I don't do classifications currently, sorry.

  5. #35
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    I wanted to alert people to the fact that it seems like there is minor but possible evidence to suggest that Ancestry database information could have been compromised. I have only seen a few people post about it anywhere on any website though as of now but It's something to be aware of, might want to double check that your account is secure. It may NOT have been compromised though, I could be totally wrong and sound like a borderline conspiracy theorist lol.

    As an update it appears that emails used for ancestry were possibly sold to scammers.
    Last edited by calxpal; 03-10-2024 at 10:28 PM.

    Also I don't do classifications currently, sorry.

  6. #36
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    Btw apparently in the next update they are going to be breaking down some of the European countries much more specifically, which seems cool however, I have mixed feelings about this. While it would be cool to see more specific assignments, I am already concerned with the accuracy of their current country level distinctions and I hope it doesn't mean my results veer even further from my known genealogy and other DNA platforms. Tbh I would really rather see a massive communities update where communities would also have more features and functionality, and I would like to actually receive a European community like 23andme and MyHeritage give me but also I hope I can finally be assigned a community that has a real connection to my genealogy unlike my current one. But yeah well I hope this actually goes in the right direction finally....I really hope they don't paywall even more existing features as I already don't even use the site anymore. Yeah sorry I admit I sound frustrated because I am with them, I am excited for an update but at the same time worried about what it might bring.

    Also sorry if you're an AncestryDNA fan but please don't attack me or attack 23andme in this thread thank you. I know 23andme has it's own problems. And please don't be rude or talk down to me.

    I do have to say though I would rather see them improve the information they give (like showing multiple possible estimates and adding confidence levels) than just updating the ethnicity populations.

    Also I don't do classifications currently, sorry.

  7. #37
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    I need to say this I'm so sorry but I am extremely mad at Ancestry yet again. They just removed a ton of family tree functionality by blocking potential ancestors hints if you don't have a subscription!!!! FUCK you Ancestry you dirty scumbags can't even give me European genetic groups let alone an accurate genetic group you useless greedy you scumbags you are literally the DEVIL Ancestry I'm never going to cave in to your overpriced subscription bullshit!!!! I don't even care if you read this Ancestry if you know my account go ahead and just ban me and delete it I'm DONE with you guys you guys are the bottom barrel shit of all DNA testing companies now. And I was just using that feature to redo the parts of my tree where I lost access to the documents . If the next update is trash again I'M DONE. I don't even trust your mediocre Ethnicity Estimate anymore lol.

    I know NO DNA companies are perfect, but all these absurd underhanded paywalls are next level SHIT.

    Also please do not come on here to argue against me If you disagree.

    I had high hopes for you Ancestry when I first did the test ugghhhhhhh, I don't think anything good anymore about you

    Also I don't do classifications currently, sorry.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by calxpal View Post
    I need to say this I'm so sorry but I am extremely mad at Ancestry yet again. They just removed a ton of family tree functionality by blocking potential ancestors hints if you don't have a subscription!!!! FUCK you Ancestry you dirty scumbags can't even give me European genetic groups let alone an accurate genetic group you useless greedy you scumbags you are literally the DEVIL Ancestry I'm never going to cave in to your overpriced subscription bullshit!!!! I don't even care if you read this Ancestry if you know my account go ahead and just ban me and delete it I'm DONE with you guys you guys are the bottom barrel shit of all DNA testing companies now. And I was just using that feature to redo the parts of my tree where I lost access to the documents . If the next update is trash again I'M DONE. I don't even trust your mediocre Ethnicity Estimate anymore lol.

    I know NO DNA companies are perfect, but all these absurd underhanded paywalls are next level SHIT.

    Also please do not come on here to argue against me If you disagree.

    I had high hopes for you Ancestry when I first did the test ugghhhhhhh, I don't think anything good anymore about you
    Yeah, when I noticed the paywall I gave up trying to further piece together loose ends in my family tree. I already found their ethnicity estimate lackluster and overly broad, so this made me lose what respect I had left for Ancestry.
    Eurogenes K13: North_Dutch + Spanish_Murcia + West_Scottish + West_Scottish @ 4.395628

    G25 Ancient + Modern: Distance: 3.0211% / 0.03021062
    48.2 VK2020_England_Dorset_VA
    19.0 VK2020_Isle_Of_Man_VA
    16.2 Spanish_Pais_Vasco
    10.0 French_Paris
    6.6 Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon

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